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Dear beloved-in-Christ,

Thank you for your interest to be a volunteer and help us preach the Gospel to the perishing nations. You can volunteer us by becoming a staff in our Blessing Towers or be a coordinator or an Ambassador for Jesus Blesses or you can do anything for Lord Jesus through this ministry to glorify His name.  

Now, kindly register your details and submit. After receiving it, we will send a special a VOLUNTEER CODE for future correspondence and the JB PRAYER POINTS for which you should pray with great burden. You can send your prayer request any time and Dr. C.Pradeep Daniel & the co-ministers of God are ready to pray for you. We will send the JB prayer points monthly through your email id or through letter. May God bless you and your family. Amen.

Now please register below 👇

Date : 11 Feb, 2025

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