A registered Public Religious Organization – (879/09 with u/s 12A(aa)/12AA of IT & FCRA REG NO: 075940600R)
"Jesus Blesses" is a Government of India recognized Public Religious...
More infoThe ultimate vision of this ministry is to take the Loving Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ through all means to all creatures. We now do 20 types of ministries to reach out to the unreached. The Loving Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ is preached with signs, wonders, healings, miracles & prophetic revelations confirming the Word of God, through Jesus Blesses to the nations, by conducting POWER HEALING CRUSADES where thousands gather in every town in India & abroad. Many many thousands receive the salvation, miracles, healings, and prophetic revelations through these crusades and accept Jesus as their personal Savior. We also take the Gospel through MEDIA (SATTELLITE TV), SOCIAL MEDIA, APPS & WEBSITE. Our Founder Dr.Pradeep Daniel’s vision is to reach out all sections of the people who are perishing in this world. Every person must taste this good Lord Jesus and see the transformation in soul and in every aspect of life, be it spiritual or material. ‘PROSPERITY IN SOUL BRINGS PROSPERITY IN EVERYTHING’ is the mission.
No prayer that is offered in the mighty name of Lord Jesus goes in vain. Every second sincere prayers have answers. The answers may get delayed but cannot be dismissed in the presence of God. This ministry ‘Jesus Blesses’ believes in persistent prayers for the people who are in needs until they receive the expected blessings. So, our vision is to set up BLESSING TOWERS (24 Hrs International Prayer Centers, Prayer Hall & Admin office) in every City & in every Town to plead for the people through the Prayer Warriors.
WORD OF GOD is the treasure a man/woman can have on earth. NO BOOK IS AS INVINCIBLE & IMPECCABLE AS THE HOLY BIBLE. This ministry is committed fully to the Holy Scriptures and is committed to propagate THE WORD OF GOD, to every common man on this earth, especially to the non-Christians. We have got A UNIQUE & FIRST OF SORT LONG TERM VISION IN THE HISTORY OF 2000 YEARS CHRISTIANITY. It is to set up a unique concept called JESUS CITY. It is a place where every person will know JESUS in accordance with the WORD OF GOD. This long term vision was spoken by Jesus to Dr.C.Pradeep Daniel face to face when he was taken to Heaven for a while in 2008 & 2015. IT IS GOING TO BE A VISION & MISSION THAT WILL SURELY SHAKE THE WORLD FOR JESUS.
Dr.Pradeep Daniel suffered a lot financially in the early phase of his ministry. But Lord Jesus never let him or his family or ministry down because of his 100% faith towards Jesus all these years. He was greatly burdened that no one has got the burden towards him to meet his financial needs, when he was young and not known by many because he was in his early phase of his ministry in 1990s. When God started using him mightily and started blessing him abundantly, he started to have a burden to support financially those servants of God who are suffering financially, be it personal or ministry. So, through Jesus Blesses we have got a burden to support upcoming ministers of God for their personal needs & ministerial needs through the PROGRAM feed 1000. Our vision is to support 1000 upcoming ministers of God financially to meet their personal and financial needs, to give a helping hand to expand the Kingdom of God on this earth.